Beckhoff EL4374 multi-function EtherCAT Terminal module

  Feb. 19, 2024

The EtherCAT analog terminal EL4374 consists of two analog inputs and two analog outputs, which can be individually parameterized via
TwinCAT (via CoE) for current or voltage mode. Depending on the specific setup, the channel processes signals between -10/0 to +10 V or -20/0/+4 to +20 mA at 1 ksps.
Beckhoff EL4374 multi-function EtherCAT Terminal module

The EL4374 EtherCAT Terminal combines parameterizable analog inputs and outputs in a compact, high-density housing with LED signal display

The EL4374 is a high-performance mixed input/output terminal for processing 10 V/20 mA signals with a conversion rate of 1 ksps per channel
and is suitable for standard automation tasks. The input signal is converted from analog to digital with a resolution of 16 bits and transmitted to
the upper stage in an electrically isolated manner. The 16-bit resolution output has the same characteristics. This terminal module has a technical
measuring range of ±107 % of the nominal measuring range and also supports the processing of NAMUR NE43 standard signals within the measuring
range. Output is available up to 107% of nominal. In addition, the terminal module has a high output power and allows a maximum load of 750 Ω at an output of 20 mA.

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