44A746210-G01  GE   Central control module Brand new

44A746210-G01 GE Central control module Brand new

For environmental specifications and compliance to standards (for example, FCC or European Union Directives), refer to Appendix A of the PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual, GFK-2223.

Brand: GE                 Model number:44A746210-G01  

Colour:new                  Warranty:44A724866-G02

Lead Time:3-day working day   Country of origin: USA

Price: Please contact us         Product weight:0.12kg

hipping Port: China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account 

44A746210-G01  GE   Central control module Brand new


Setting Force On/Off by storing initial 


Once a force on or force off has been stored to the RX7i, the user 

cannot switch from force on to force off or vice-versa directly by 

downloading initial values. The user can turn off the force by doing a 

download, and then change the force on or off by another download.

CMM COMMREQ restriction Due to an issue in the CMM firmware, the SNP COMMREQ Read 

System Memory (7202) executed on a CMM module does not execute 

correctly for lengths greater than 760 words. Incorrect data is written to 

the SNP Master. Users should not use lengths greater than 760 words.

Number of active programs returned as 


The SNP request Return Controller Type and ID currently returns the 

number of active programs as zero.

Serial I/O failure at 115K during heavy 

interrupt load 

Rare data corruption errors have been seen on serial communications 

when running at 115K under heavy interrupt load on the RX7i. Under 

heavy load applications, users should restrict serial communications to 

57K or lower.

Synchronized backup unit may log Over 

Sweep faults in constant sweep mode

A synchronized backup unit may report over sweep faults in constant 

sweep mode regardless of the amount of time spent servicing IO, 

logic, and communications in the sweep.

Bus Read or Write may return status of 5 

instead of 4.

In some cases, the Bus Read/Write Status Word returned may be 4 

instead of 5 when the ending address is out of range.

Hardware configuration and initial values 

may not load from flash

If no user logic exists in the CPU RAM when a write to flash is 

performed, the CPU may not properly load from flash after a power 

cycle. In order to guarantee proper power up from flash, insure that 

both hardware configuration and logic have been stored to RAM 

before writing to flash.

CPU sweep time increases during 

overtemperature operation

When the operating temperature of the CPU exceeds the normal 

operating temperature, system variable #OVR_TMP (%SA8) turns ON 

(Fault group 24, error code 0x0001). When this occurs, the sweep time 

periodically increases because the CPU executes a new task to read 

the actual temperature reported by a temperature sensor. This 

increase can be as much as 2 ms.

GBC in expansion rack may fail to power 


Occasionally, a Series 90-70 GBC module located in an expansion 

rack may fail to power up when power to that rack is cycled off/on. The 

module’s OK light will flash and then all module lights will go off. Power 

cycle the rack again to recover. (Note: This issue does not affect 90-30 


Possible Machine Edition software inability 

to connect

Infrequently, an attempt to connect a programmer to an RX7i via 

Ethernet will be unsuccessful. The normal connection retry dialog will 

not be displayed. Rebooting the computer that is running the 

programmer will resolve the behavior.

Don’t use multiple targets In a system in which the hardware configuration is stored from one 

target and logic is stored from a different target, powering-up from 

flash will not work. The observed behavior is that, following a power up 

from flash, Machine Edition software reports hardware configuration 

and logic "not equal"

GE    DS3800DMEC1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMEC1C1C    

GE    DS3800DMEC1D1D    

GE    DS3800DMPC    

GE    DS3800DMPC1E1C    

GE    DS3800DMPC1F1E    

GE    DS3800DMPK1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMPK1E1D    

GE    DS3800DOAA    

GE    DS3800DPLA1B1A    

GE    DS3800DPSS1B1B    

GE    DS3800DPSS1C1C    

GE    DS3800DPZA1D1D    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1B    

GE    DS3800DSQD1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSWA    

GE    DS3800DXRA    

GE    DS3800DXRA1C1C    

GE    DS3800DXRC    

GE    DS3800DXRC1    

GE    DS3800HACA    

GE    DS3800HACA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HACB    

GE    DS3800HADA    

GE    DS3800HADA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HADA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HAFA1B1D    

GE    DS3800HAFA-1D1E    

GE    DS3800HAIA1D1B    

GE    DS3800HAIA1E1D    

GE    DS3800HAIA1EID    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A 6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1E1C    

GE    DS3800HARA1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCIB    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCID    

GE    DS3800HCM1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMA1E1G    

GE    DS3800HCMB    

GE    DS3800HCMB1C1C    

GE    DS3800HCMC    

GE    DS3800HCMC1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMC-1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCVA1H1G    

GE    DS3800HCVA1J1G    

GE    DS3800HDDD    

GE    DS3800HDID1A1A    

GE    DS3800HDRA    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HDRC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HFPB1F1E    

GE    DS3800HFPC    

GE    DS3800HFPC1L1H    

GE    DS3800HFPE1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1C1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1D    

GE    DS3800HFPG1E1E    

GE    DS3800HFXA1F1D    

GE    DS3800HFXB    

GE    DS3800HFXB1G1C    

GE    DS3800HFXB1R1H    

GE    DS3800HFXC    

GE    DS3800HFXD    

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