44A392604-G01	GE   Power module Brand new

44A392604-G01 GE Power module Brand new

Ethernet firmware release 6.12 disables several unnecessary and non-published services in the firmware that otherwise

Brand: GE                 Model number:44A392604-G01

Colour:new                  Warranty: 44A297094-G01

Lead Time:3-day working day   Country of origin: USA

Price: Please contact us         Product weight:0.12kg

hipping Port: China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account 

44A392604-G01 GE   Power module Brand new


SRTP application timeouts must 

accommodate network connection 


The application timeouts within SRTP Channels also include the time 

needed to establish and maintain the underlying network and SRTP 

connection. Examples are establishing the TCP connection for a new 

channel, establishing communication with the remote device, and TCP 

retransmissions during Channel operations. If the time needed for TCP 

connection establishment or maintenance exceeds the user-specified 

channel application timeout values, an application timeout will occur. 

Channel application timeouts are temporary errors; the channel continues 

to run.

Idle Modbus/TCP connection between a 

Series 90 and a PACSystems may be 

prematurely terminated

An idle Modbus/TCP connection between a Series 90 and a PACSystems 

may be prematurely terminated. There is an incompatibility between the 

TCP "Keep-Alive" timer values on the PACSystems Ethernet Interfaces 

and Series 90 Ethernet Interfaces. The issue is that the default value of 

the keep-alive timer for the Series 90 modules is set to a much higher 

value than for the PACSystems.

To keep TCP connections open between a Series 90 Ethernet Interface 

and a PACSystems Ethernet Interface, the Series 90 Interface Advanced 

User Parameter wkal_time should be set to the value 750 to match that of 

the PACSystems. With this change, TCP connections remain open 

indefinitely. Note that this same issue occurs for SRTP Client Channels 

that have infrequent traffic and can be resolved by using the same 


GE    DS3800DMEC1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMEC1C1C    

GE    DS3800DMEC1D1D    

GE    DS3800DMPC    

GE    DS3800DMPC1E1C    

GE    DS3800DMPC1F1E    

GE    DS3800DMPK1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMPK1E1D    

GE    DS3800DOAA    

GE    DS3800DPLA1B1A    

GE    DS3800DPSS1B1B    

GE    DS3800DPSS1C1C    

GE    DS3800DPZA1D1D    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1B    

GE    DS3800DSQD1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSWA    

GE    DS3800DXRA    

GE    DS3800DXRA1C1C    

GE    DS3800DXRC    

GE    DS3800DXRC1    

GE    DS3800HACA    

GE    DS3800HACA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HACB    

GE    DS3800HADA    

GE    DS3800HADA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HADA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HAFA1B1D    

GE    DS3800HAFA-1D1E    

GE    DS3800HAIA1D1B    

GE    DS3800HAIA1E1D    

GE    DS3800HAIA1EID    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A 6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1E1C    

GE    DS3800HARA1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCIB    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCID    

GE    DS3800HCM1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMA1E1G    

GE    DS3800HCMB    

GE    DS3800HCMB1C1C    

GE    DS3800HCMC    

GE    DS3800HCMC1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMC-1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCVA1H1G    

GE    DS3800HCVA1J1G    

GE    DS3800HDDD    

GE    DS3800HDID1A1A    

GE    DS3800HDRA    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HDRC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HFPB1F1E    

GE    DS3800HFPC    

GE    DS3800HFPC1L1H    

GE    DS3800HFPE1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1C1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1D    

GE    DS3800HFPG1E1E    

GE    DS3800HFXA1F1D    

GE    DS3800HFXB    

GE    DS3800HFXB1G1C    

GE    DS3800HFXB1R1H    

GE    DS3800HFXC    

GE    DS3800HFXD    

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