2277244-02  GE  Module cards in stock

2277244-02 GE Module cards in stock

Brand: GE                 Model number:2277244-02 

Colour:new                  Warranty: 1C200PWR002

Lead Time:3-day working day   Country of origin: USA

Price: Please contact us         Product weight:0.12kg

hipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account 

2277244-02  GE  Module cards in stock

2264600-05  GE  Module cards in stock

Restriction/Open Issue Description

GBC30 may not resume 

operation after power cycle.

In rare instances, a GBC30 in an expansion rack may not resume normal operation after a 

power cycle of either the expansion rack or the main rack.

To restore GBC operation, power cycle the rack again.

Configuration of third-party 


Do not specify a length of zero in the configuration of a third-party module. The module will 

not work properly in the system.

Power supply status after CPU 

firmware update.

The controller will report a Loss of or Missing Option Module fault for the IC695PSD140 RX3i 

power supply following an update of CPU firmware. Also, the slot will appear empty in the 

programmer’s online status detail view. The power supply continues to operate normally. 

Power cycle to restore normal status reporting.

Power supply status after 

power cycling.

Rarely, turning a power supply on or off may fail to result in an Add or Loss fault. Also, the slot 

will appear empty in the programmer’s online status detail view. The power supply continues 

to operate normally. Power cycle to restore normal status reporting.

Don’t use multiple targets. In a system in which the hardware configuration is stored from one target and logic is stored 

from a different target, powering-up from flash will not work. The observed behavior is that, 

following a power up from flash, Machine Edition reports hardware configuration and logic 

Not Equal.

Missing Loss of Terminal Block 


The IC695ALG600/608/616 analog input modules do not produce a Loss of Terminal Block

fault when hardware configuration is stored or the module is hot-inserted, and the terminal 

block is not locked into place. 

Sequence Store failure. When downloading projects with very large hardware configuration or which use large 

amounts of user memory, it is possible to encounter a controller Sequence Store Failure error 

when writing the project to flash. To work around this error, either or both of the following 

actions may be helpful:

1. Perform an explicit clear of flash prior to performing the write.

2. Increase the operation timeout used by Machine Edition prior to performing the write. 

This is done by expanding the Additional Configuration in the Inspector window for the 

target controller, and adjusting the Request Timeout. The timeout may need to be 

increased to as much as 60,000 msec, depending on the amount of memory used and 

the condition of the flash memory

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GE    DS3800DMEC1C1C    

GE    DS3800DMEC1D1D    

GE    DS3800DMPC    

GE    DS3800DMPC1E1C    

GE    DS3800DMPC1F1E    

GE    DS3800DMPK1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMPK1E1D    

GE    DS3800DOAA    

GE    DS3800DPLA1B1A    

GE    DS3800DPSS1B1B    

GE    DS3800DPSS1C1C    

GE    DS3800DPZA1D1D    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1B    

GE    DS3800DSQD1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSWA    

GE    DS3800DXRA    

GE    DS3800DXRA1C1C    

GE    DS3800DXRC    

GE    DS3800DXRC1    

GE    DS3800HACA    

GE    DS3800HACA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HACB    

GE    DS3800HADA    

GE    DS3800HADA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HADA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HAFA1B1D    

GE    DS3800HAFA-1D1E    

GE    DS3800HAIA1D1B    

GE    DS3800HAIA1E1D    

GE    DS3800HAIA1EID    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A 6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1E1C    

GE    DS3800HARA1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCIB    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCID    

GE    DS3800HCM1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMA1E1G    

GE    DS3800HCMB    

GE    DS3800HCMB1C1C    

GE    DS3800HCMC    

GE    DS3800HCMC1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMC-1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCVA1H1G    

GE    DS3800HCVA1J1G    

GE    DS3800HDDD    

GE    DS3800HDID1A1A    

GE    DS3800HDRA    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HDRC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HFPB1F1E    

GE    DS3800HFPC    

GE    DS3800HFPC1L1H    

GE    DS3800HFPE1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1C1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1D    

GE    DS3800HFPG1E1E    

GE    DS3800HFXA1F1D    

GE    DS3800HFXB    

GE    DS3800HFXB1G1C    

GE    DS3800HFXB1R1H    

GE    DS3800HFXC    

GE    DS3800HFXD    

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