1C200MDL650  GE  Module cards in stock

1C200MDL650 GE Module cards in stock

Brand: GE                 Model number:1C200MDL650

Colour:new                  Warranty: 12IAV70B1A 

Lead Time:3-day working day   Country of origin: USA

Price: Please contact us         Product weight:0.12kg

hipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account 

1C200MDL650  GE  Module cards in stock

1C200ALG260  GE  Module cards in stock

Restriction/Open Issue Description

Missing Addition of IOC event 

when ECM850 module restarts 

due to reset pushbutton or 


When ECM850 module RESET is triggered using SVC_REQ 24 or Reset pushbutton, CPU does 

not report Addition of IOC fault message in Controller fault table after successful reset of 


Rare condition of CPU lights 

out during power cycles

In rare instances during multiple rapid power cycles, the CPU will fail to power up. If this 

occurs, the CPU should recover with the next power cycle. 

The Ethernet module fails to 

exchange EGD properly during 

power cycling

Very rarely, after experiencing multiple rapid power cycles, the CPU may fail to establish 

communication with one or more modules in the backplane at power up. When this occurs, 

several pairs of a Loss of, or missing option module and Reset of option module faults will be 

logged in the controller fault table. 

If the module is an ETM, an event 30H is recorded in its station manager event log.

To recover from this issue, cycle power again.

Loss of power supplies after 

firmware update

A Loss of Power Supplies after firmware update may occur. This does not happen with all 

firmware updates and will NOT occur if the system is power cycled after the firmware 

upgrade has completed. The faults displayed when this issue occurs are as follows:

Loss of, or missing option module 

Error Code: 36

Group: 4

Action: 3:Fatal

Task Num: 9

Fault Extra Data: 01 58 02 4f 80 08 0a 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

Battery installation. When installing a new battery, if there currently is no battery installed, the battery must be 

installed while the CPU has power. Failing to follow this procedure could result in the CPU not 

powering up. 

If a battery is installed while power is off (and there was no battery previously installed), and 

the CPU fails to power up, remove the battery, power cycle the CPU and then install the 


Hot swapping some analog 

modules slowly may result in 

modules not being recognized.

Occasionally during a hot insertion (hot swap) of RX3i Non-Isolated Analog Input Modules, 

input channels may take up to 2 seconds to reflect actual input values after the module OK 

bit is enabled in the module status word. This has only been seen when the hot insertion has 

been done slowly (i.e. approximately 1.5 seconds to insert the module). Refer to PACSystems 

RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314F or later for updated hot-swap information.

Ethernet disconnect during 

Word-for-Word change.

If the Ethernet connection is broken during a word-for-word change, the programmer may 

not allow a subsequent word-for-word change after reconnecting due to the fact that it 

thinks another programmer is currently attached. If this occurs, you should go offline and 

then back online again.

Simultaneous Clears, Loads 

and Stores not supported.

PACSystems CPUs do not support multiple programmers changing CPU contents at the same 

time. The programming software may generate an error during the operation. Simultaneous 

loads from a single CPU are allowed.

GE    DS3800DMEC1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMEC1C1C    

GE    DS3800DMEC1D1D    

GE    DS3800DMPC    

GE    DS3800DMPC1E1C    

GE    DS3800DMPC1F1E    

GE    DS3800DMPK1B1B    

GE    DS3800DMPK1E1D    

GE    DS3800DOAA    

GE    DS3800DPLA1B1A    

GE    DS3800DPSS1B1B    

GE    DS3800DPSS1C1C    

GE    DS3800DPZA1D1D    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSHA1A1B    

GE    DS3800DSQD1A1A    

GE    DS3800DSWA    

GE    DS3800DXRA    

GE    DS3800DXRA1C1C    

GE    DS3800DXRC    

GE    DS3800DXRC1    

GE    DS3800HACA    

GE    DS3800HACA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HACB    

GE    DS3800HADA    

GE    DS3800HADA1A1A    

GE    DS3800HADA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HAFA1B1D    

GE    DS3800HAFA-1D1E    

GE    DS3800HAIA1D1B    

GE    DS3800HAIA1E1D    

GE    DS3800HAIA1EID    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A 6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1A1A6BA00C    

GE    DS3800HAIC1E1C    

GE    DS3800HARA1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCIB    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B    

GE    DS3800HCIB1B1C    

GE    DS3800HCID    

GE    DS3800HCM1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMA1E1G    

GE    DS3800HCMB    

GE    DS3800HCMB1C1C    

GE    DS3800HCMC    

GE    DS3800HCMC1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCMC-1A1B    

GE    DS3800HCVA1H1G    

GE    DS3800HCVA1J1G    

GE    DS3800HDDD    

GE    DS3800HDID1A1A    

GE    DS3800HDRA    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B    

GE    DS3800HDRA1B1B    

GE    DS3800HDRC1A1A    

GE    DS3800HFPB1F1E    

GE    DS3800HFPC    

GE    DS3800HFPC1L1H    

GE    DS3800HFPE1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1C1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1B    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1C    

GE    DS3800HFPG1D1D    

GE    DS3800HFPG1E1E    

GE    DS3800HFXA1F1D    

GE    DS3800HFXB    

GE    DS3800HFXB1G1C    

GE    DS3800HFXB1R1H    

GE    DS3800HFXC    

GE    DS3800HFXD    

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