193X-532ABG01  GE  Module cards in stock

193X-532ABG01 GE Module cards in stock

Brand: GE                 Model number:193X-532ABG01

Colour:new                  Warranty: 12IAV70B1A 

Lead Time:3-day working day   Country of origin: USA

Price: Please contact us         Product weight:0.12kg

hipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account 

193X-532ABG01  GE  Module cards in stock

193X530BBG01  GE  Module cards in stock

Specifications: CRU320

CPU Performance For CRU320 performance data, refer to Appendix A of the PACSystems CPU Reference 

Manual, GFK-2222V or later.

Battery: Memory retention For battery selection, installation and estimated life, refer to the PACSystems RX3i and RX7i 

Battery and Energy Pack Manual, GFK-2741

Program storage Up to 64 MB of battery-backed RAM

64 MB of non-volatile flash user memory

Power requirements +3.3 Vdc: 1.0 Amps nominal

+5 Vdc: 1.2 Amps nominal

Operating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)

Floating point Yes

Time of Day Clock accuracy Maximum drift of 2 seconds per day

Elapsed Time Clock (internal 

timing) accuracy

0.01% maximum 

Embedded communications RS-232, RS-485

Serial Protocols supported Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O 

Backplane Dual backplane bus support: RX3i PCI and high-speed serial bus

PCI compatibility System designed to be electrically compliant with PCI 2.2 standard

Program blocks Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.

Memory %I and %Q: 32Kbits for discrete 

%AI and %AQ: configurable up to 32Kwords 

%W: configurable up to the maximum available user RAM

Symbolic: configurable up to 64 Mbytes

Flash memory endurance 


100,000 write/erase cycles minimum

Memory error checking and 

correction (ECC)

Single bit correcting and multiple bit checking.

Switchover Time1 Maximum 1 logic scan, minimum 3.133 msec.

Typical Base Sweep Time 

(Reference Data Transfer List 


3.66 msec: 1K Discrete I/O, 125 Analog I/O and 1K Registers

3.87 msec: 2K Discrete I/O, 250 Analog I/O and 2K Registers

4.30 msec: 4K Discrete I/O, 500 Analog I/O and 4K Registers

5.16 msec: 8K Discrete I/O, 1K Analog I/O and 8K Registers

Maximum amount of data in 

transfer list

Up to 2 Mbytes 

Number of redundancy links 


Up to two IC695RMX128/228 synchronization links are supported.

For product standards, general operating specifications, and installation requirements, refer to PACSystems RX3i System Manual, 


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GE    DS3800HFXB    

GE    DS3800HFXB1G1C    

GE    DS3800HFXB1R1H    

GE    DS3800HFXC    

GE    DS3800HFXD    

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